Infant Massage


Parent/Caregiver Baby Classes with a Certified IM Instructor



A relaxed atmosphere is maintained in which a parent can feel free to take care of the infant’s needs without missing important techniques or information.


Topics include:

  • Discussion of healthy family development
  • How to vary the massage as the child grows
  • How to deal with special problems such as colic, intestinal difficulties (gas, constipation, etc.)
  • Individualized help with problems
  • Teaching baby to relax


Your child can be up to age 5 to participate. PLEASE BRING YOUR CHILD TO CLASS.


Please call West Dakota Parent & Family Resource Center (701) 456-0007 to register.

Parent Testimonials:


"I liked the information provided and the massage techniques."

"I liked the step-by-step instruction."

"I feel more confident touching my baby. Knowing how I can help my baby."