
Welcome to the curriculum and instruction department

Department Overview 

The Curriculum and Instruction Department of  Dickinson Public Schools is committed to providing all DPS students with a guaranteed and viable curriculum that prepares them for life after high school. Our department supports curriculum implementation in math, science, social studies, reading/language arts, health, PE, and languages other than English.
In addition, the curriculum department is responsible for professional development, and funding related to Title I, IIa, IId, IV, and district assessment.


Our Team 

Melanie Kathrein
Assistant Superintendent 
701-456-0002 x 2211
Lexi Steiner
Curriculum Coordinator/RTI Coach for K-5
701-456-0002 x 2219
Dr. Karyn Chiapella
Curriculum Coordinator/RTI Coach for 6-12
Kayla Kennedy
Administrative Assistant
701-456-0002 x 2216
Sharmon Jassek
CAO Logistics Assistant
701-456-0002 x 2215

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