
The Regional After School Program (RASP) provides educational after-school programming to qualifying students in grades K-5 during the school year and going into 1st-6th grade during the summer.
RASP assists families by providing academic support to children of working parents in the program (homework assistance, enhanced learning opportunities, safe and affordable after-school care).
RASP Sites:
RASP Non-Grant Sites: Lincoln Elementary and Jefferson Elementary located in Dickinson, ND.
21st Century Community Learning Centers (Grant Sites): Heart River Elementary, Berg Elementary, Prairie Rose Elementary and Roosevelt Elementary located in Dickinson, ND. Hebron Elementary located in Hebron, ND. Lincoln Elementary located in Beach, ND.
The Regional After School Program (RASP) is partially funded by the 21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC) Program Grant. The 21st CCLC Program is a federal grant from the U.S. Department of Education that is administered by the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction. This program was established by Congress as part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. It provides grants to communities to develop or expand on out-of-school time programs. These programs give students opportunities for academic enrichment and provide a broad array of additional services that are designed to reinforce and complement the regular academic program.
Two key components to the success of the RASP program are family and community. Various Dickinson Public School programs, civic organizations, and community agencies partner with the RASP program to provide activities and services to students, as well as their families.