
Marcus Lewton Headshot
Dr. Marcus Lewton - Superintendent

Dr. Marcus Lewton was named Superintendent of Dickinson Public Schools in December 2021 after serving as Interim Superintendent from July 2021-December 2021. Lewton is the chief executive officer of the school district and is the educational leader who promotes the success of all students and staff in the performance of their jobs. He is responsible for the effective operation of the District; for the general administration of all instructional, business, or other functions of the District; and for advising and making recommendations to the Board of Education with respect to such activities. 

Mr. Lewton served as the Principal of Dickinson Middle School from 2012 - 2020 and Director of Career and Technical Education for the district. Prior to that, he served as the Roughrider Area Career & Technical Center Director and a teacher in North Dakota and Minnesota.

A Dickinson native, Dr. Lewton completed his undergraduate studies in Agricultural Education at the University of Minnesota. He holds a master’s degree in Educational Leadership from the University of Minnesota and holds his doctorate in Educational Leadership from the University of South Dakota.

Twila Petersen
Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent
701-456-0002 ext 2203

Keith Harris Headshot

Keith Harris - Assistant Superintendent of Student Engagement & Educational Climate 

Keith Harris serves as the Assistant Superintendent of Student Engagement and Educational Climate, where he plays a pivotal role in supporting Behavior Solutions, health and safety initiatives, fostering a positive learning environment, enhancing school climate, and promoting teacher efficacy and retention.

With a wealth of experience, Mr. Harris has previously served as a curriculum and facilities director, elementary and K-12 school principal, vice-principal, and teacher.

Melanie Kathrein Headshot

Melanie Kathrein - Assistant Superintendent of Academic Achievement 

As the Assistant Superintendent of Acadmemic Achievement, Melanie Kathrein oversees the development and revision of curriculum for all K-12 content areas, facilitates curriculum-related professional development and assessment. She is also the administrator who is responsible for professional development related to Title IIA and Title IV. Mrs. Kathrein supervises the elementary literacy coaches, the elementary libraries, and the Instructional Media Center. She facilitates the district Professional Development Leadership Team and the MTSS Committee.

Mrs. Kathrein also serves on the School Improvement Leadership Team, the Teacher Evaluation Committee, and the Calendar Committee.

Aaron Anderson Headshot

Aaron Anderson - Director of CTE

Aaron Anderson was hired as Career and Technical Education Director in August of 2021.  In his role, he provides oversight and support to all CTE programming and instructors across the district.  In addition, he is leading the development of the Southwest Area Career and Technical Education Academy, which will expand educational and training opportunities to our students and the region. 

Previous to his employment with Dickinson Public Schools, Mr. Anderson served as the State Supervisor for Agricultural Education with the North Dakota Department of Career and Technical Education in Bismarck and a high school Agricultural Education instructor in Turtle Lake, ND.

Stephanie Hunter

Stephanie Hunter - Business Manager

As the Business Manager, Stephanie Hunter oversees the finances of the district, which includes creating and tracking the district’s annual budget, reviewing and executing District contracts, reviewing and updating fiscal policies and procedures, ensuring financial compliance and reporting, as well as food services, human resources, operations and facilities.

Mrs. Hunter supervises the accounting and payroll departments. She also serves on the Superintendent’s Cabinet, Budget Committee, Facilities Committee, Classified Council and works directly with the School Board as a fiscal reference Board meetings and negotiations. Mrs. Hunter has been the Business Manager since November 2020 and brings prior private sector experience in financial auditing and banking. She holds both a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Business Administration. When not working, she enjoys spending time with her husband and son or reading a good book while enjoying the ND sunsets. 

Sheri Twist Headshot

Sheri Twist - Director of Student Services 

Sheri Twist has served as Director of Special Education since 2019. She previously serviced DPS for 15 years as a special education coordinator(5 years) and special education strategist(10 years).  Her role provides leadership to coordinate and supervise the effective delivery of special education services. Mrs. Twist's commitment in the area of Special Education is to implement and maintain programs and services in conformance to district, state, and federal law.

Mrs. Twist oversees all facets of the special education department, including programs, services, personnel, and budget. She also directly supervises the special education coordinators, school psychologists, occupational therapists, and process facilitators.