DHS TSA Showcases Student Excellence in Architecture, Biotech, and Geospatial Technologies

3 students pose with their house project

By: Rene Heredia-Nieves
DHS Technology Education/Computer Science Instructor

The future is bright in North Dakota, and it's brimming with talented young minds! The weekend of March 17th-19th, the North Dakota TSA State Conference took place in Mandan, and the event was a whirlwind of innovation, creativity, and friendly competition.

Among the many impressive student showcases, three individuals truly stole the show: Alyssa Sadowsky, Stephanie Tally, and Isabella Samman. This dynamic trio swept the Architectural Design category, each taking home a well-deserved first-place win! Their designs likely combined technical skill with a dash of North Dakota ingenuity.

But these well-rounded TSAs didn't stop there! Alyssa and Stephanie proved their versatility by also conquering the biotechnology category, each earning a first-place trophy. It seems these students have a knack for blending creativity with scientific knowledge—a valuable asset for any future STEM career.

3 students and an advisor pose for picture in front of TSA signMeanwhile, Isabella Samman showcased her talents beyond architectural design by venturing into geospatial technologies, where she secured another impressive first-place finish. Her architectural design win helped her visualize spatial relationships within geospatial data!

The conference also saw geospatial glory for Taylor Murphy and Avery Mann, who grabbed a first-place win in geospatial technologies. Their expertise in this field bodes well for the future of North Dakota mapping, data analysis, and geographical problem-solving.

Congratulations to all the Dickinson TSA State Conference participants, especially these shining stars! Their dedication, talent, and passion for STEM are genuinely inspiring. We can't wait to see what incredible things they achieve in the future!