Art Club Students Creatively Reflect School Pride

Female student standing in front of table with DHS "D" logo

By: Dr. Karyn M Chiapella
Curriculum Coordinator/ RTI Coach

Art teacher Cassie Gebhart and her students took a vintage table that was donated to DHS and turned it into a unique piece of furniture. The original table was in rough shape and painted light blue, which didn't reflect school pride. Mrs. Gebhardt volunteered to refurbish the set with DHS colors while involving her students in the process. 

One of the art club students, Mara Mayer, shared, "One day Mrs. Gebhardt emailed Mackenzie Pease and me about a table and four chairs that needed to be revamped. Before we painted them black and orange, they were a dusty blue color that didn't show school spirit. So we sanded them down and painted them with DHS colors. We also added visual interest using a splash technique while listening to our favorite songs. It was a messy process, but the results were totally worth it! We completed this project in our free time to help spread school pride and spirit. I believe that everyone who participated did an awesome job! We can accomplish so much more when we all work together!" 

Art Club students sitting at the table they madeThe final product is beautiful and serves as a place where students can sit during their off-hours, have lunch, do homework, or socialize with friends. A huge thank you to the DHS Art Team for their hard work and creativity.