District Finances
School Funding Basics
School District Operational Funds (General Fund) - The day-to-day operational fund for the school district. This account pays for all employee salaries and benefits, supplies and equipment, utilities, insurance, busing, etc.
The main source of funding in the General fund is the State’s per pupil payment, which is determined by the legislature. For the 2019-20 school year, the district is guaranteed $9,839 per pupil. This dollar amount is a combination of direct state aid and a local contribution equivalent to the dollars generated by 60 general fund mills (general fund levy). An additional source of revenue is the miscellaneous levy.
- General Fund Levy – School Districts are required to levy a minimum of 60 general fund mills to support the state per pupil payment, with a maximum allowable levy of 70 mills. Note: Every dollar collected from the first 60-mills of this tax is deducted from the state per pupil payment to Dickinson Public Schools.
- Miscellaneous Levy – Schools may levy up to 12 mills under this levy. These dollars are deposited in the general fund. Dickinson currently levies 12 of the 12 allowable mills in the miscellaneous levy.
School District Non-Operational Funds - These dollars cannot be used for operational expenses (Salary, Benefits, Supplies, Equipment, etc...)
- Building Fund Levy - Schools may levy up to 20 mills under this levy. These dollars may only be used for capital improvement and building projects.
- Sinking & Interest Fund Levy – This levy is only used to pay off the debt incurred to construct buildings that were built after a vote of the people