We Love “Why Try”!

Jeff Whitehead leading a Why Try discussion

 By:  Jeff Whitehead
SEL Instructor at Southwest Community High School 

We have been using the "Why Try" program for the past two years with our students and have found that they enjoy it. Our main objective is to build resilience in our students. 

Through this program, students have the opportunity to look at life from a positive and negative perspective, and make applications to their lives. The program is taught using a multi-sensory format, where students learn by listening, watching, experiencing and applying the concepts of resilience being taught. We learn positive outcomes from negative feelings and experiences.   

The challenge that our youth experience today is from confusion, as they don't know where their inner feelings of frustration are coming from. The "Why Try" program teaches them how to turn this confusion into a direct and precise line of resilience, leading to success, happiness, and direction. 

We have observed a metamorphosis in our students from the first the first time in class to the day they graduate. The time spent in "Why Try" has changed their lives, attitudes, and direction. The opportunity to share successful experiences and transform negatives into positives is noticeable. 

One of the most enjoyable lessons we teach is "Removing of Labels." The students are mesmerized as we open a can of dog food and the presenter takes a huge bite out of it. The students' reaction of gagging and groaning is universal among them. Finally, they are relieved to discover that the dog food was actually refried beans. The label on the can doesn't always tell the right story. Similarly, our students don't have to live up to the labels that have been placed on them by their peers and society. 

We highly recommend the use of "Why Try" for both secondary and elementary levels. The program uses both virtual and in-class presentations to help students understand what life is all about and how they can be successful, happy, and resilient!