Thanksgiving Cultural Exchange

8 students sitting in desks smiling at camera

By: Lia Bradley
ELL Instructor

The Next Step program students and international students at Dickinson High School enjoyed a delicious chili prepared by Mrs. Hoskins, chicken enchiladas, and popsicles donated by La Tarahumara ice cream store. Although not your traditional Thanksgiving meal, students enjoyed a time of fellowship and got to be around students of diverse nationalities where Thanksgiving is not celebrated. The Next Step program provides a safe and individualized quiet study hall time for students with diverse needs.

The students also had a special visitor, Federico Fironda from Argentina, who sat around the table with them discussing topics like soccer. Hearing him speak in English with the Next Step students, German with Clara, Portuguese with Anderson, and Spanish was also remarkably interesting. After dinner, we asked Federico to share his story with us. 

He shared that he finished his BS degree in Geology from Gustavus University in Minnesota, having gone there on a tennis scholarship, and now will pursue his Master's Degree in Geography. He explained to students what he had to do to get to where he was. Primarily, he had to learn English. He told the students that he did not like going to English class in Argentina since his mom made him, but it paid off when he decided to apply himself. This hit home to some of the students who are in the process of learning English. He also told them how hard he had to work to become a good tennis player as he pursued his scholarship in the US. He had to leave home at an early age and live alone to attend a tennis academy. He explained that things have not come easy to him, but hard work and dedication have paid off. It is important for students to see role models they can identify with.  

 I believe that after this time of Thanksgiving fellowship, the students left for break encouraged. A big thanks to Mr. Skaare and Mrs. Hoskins for hosting this Thanksgiving cultural dinner. Sometimes, a bowl of chili can go a long way with not only the warmth of the food but the warmth of the community it can create. Also, this was not a typical day for the students in the Next Step classroom, where they work privately on their schoolwork. Thanks to them as well, as they shared their space and had fellowship with students from diverse backgrounds.