“RACTC National SkillsUSA”

RACTC Skills USA Students outside posing in front of rings

By: Courtney Sadowsky
CTE Health Science/AHA BLS Instructor DHS/RACTC

The Dickinson High School RACTC National SkillsUSA students had a busy summer!

In June, 6 students attended the SkillsUSA National competition in Atlanta, GA, and competed in 3 separate categories. McKenna Mettler, Amarah Olheiser, Dustie Dassinger, and Brandon Tackett competed in the Health Knowledge Bowl Team and placed 8th in the Nation. 

Charly Wyatt competed in CPR/First Aid and placed 13th. Dustin Gomez competed in the Fire Competition and placed 22nd. Our students proudly represented Dickinson and the state of North Dakota and had a great time. 

Amarah Olheiser shared, " I personally had so much fun in Atlanta with my SkillsUSA group. I felt like it was a great experience to help better my education for my future career in the medical field. I hope to make it back to nationals next year." Brandon Tackett shared his favorite part of the trip, "Going to Atlanta was an eye-opening experience to many since a lot of us have never been to a big city. My favorite part was exploring the city and meeting other students from other states."

We foresee the RACTC/DHS Chapter growing even larger this next school year. Advisors include Sara Rhode, Courtney Sadowsky, Jaclyn Guillaume, Jared Rhode, Mason Geiger, and Dustin Hoffer.  

A BIG thank you to the Dickinson Public Schools Foundation for donating and supporting the RACTC SkillsUSA students. Their gracious donation helped cover travel expenses.