DHS Celebrates Youth Art Month

Art club student painting

By: Cassy J. Gebhardt, DHS Visual Arts Instructor

March is Youth Art Month, and the DHS Art Club has been hard at work this year to meet our mission of sharing the benefits of visual art throughout DPS and the community. Currently, we are preparing for the annual Spring Art Sale, Illumination Stations (Science & Art Collaboration with local artist, Janelle Stoneking) and a business mural this summer.

Visual art allows people of all ages to increase their creativity and critical thinking skills. For many people, visual art is therapy to heal their health and soul. An opportunity to release frustrations or daily stress.  Art Club member, Vivian Call, states, “For me, DHS Art Club helps me socialize with others and inspires me to create.” Senior Annabelle Klimpel, says, “Art has made her more open to others’ ideas and opinions. As well as increase my courage to try new things.”

At DHS, visual art classes offer students the ability for self-exploration/expression as an artist, as well as time management and experimentation of various art mediums. Advanced art student Hannah Strommen says, “I enjoy this class because it offers creative freedom. I set my own deadlines, easily modify my plans, and I can use any medium I want!”. The popular photography class has shown a large amount of student interest since Mrs. Gebhardt revived the darkroom two years ago. Students utilize both digital and film photography, along with the basic knowledge and skills, to begin pursuing a career or hobby in the trade. Former photography student Heather Cabral declares, “I have learned so much more than simply increasing my photography skills. This class has improved my ability to communicate and make connections with people.”

The experiences that visual art provides are positively life changing. Unfortunately, young adolescents do not have many other art opportunities outside of the classroom. There are many talented people in this part of the state that need a safe and collaborative place to foster their creativity. Support all your local artists, art students, art educators, and art enthusiasts by advocating for the SW Art Gallery and Science Center. The SW Art Gallery and Science Center facilitates a community of lifelong explorers inspired by art and science. It is defined by the belief that the disciplines of art and science shape and inform one another, enhancing the ability of individuals to make connections while discovering new ways of experiencing the world.  For more information, contact: janelles@ndsupernet.com or cherie_roshau@ndsupernet.com.