Marathon Petroleum Workforce Development Grant Awarded to The DPS Elementary Library Media Program

Students playing with the ozobots

By: Troy Kuntz, Berg, Prairie Rose & Roosevelt Elementary Library Media Specialist

The Dickinson Public Schools Elementary Library Media Program is excited to announce that we have received a Marathon Petroleum Workforce Development Grant. Marathon's Community Investment Focus Area of Workforce Development includes vocational, technical and/or skilled trade programs or training; career readiness development activities at the high school or post-high school level; or services such as employment/recruiting services programs. Elementary Library Media Specialists Troy Kuntz and Marisa Reisinger are excited to continue the work we have begun district-wide in computer science and critical thinking through this grant money. 

The $15,000 grant will fund our program Full STEAM Ahead: An Introduction to Computer Programming and Robotics with Ozobot. This program will ensure equitable access to STEAM opportunities that support workforce readiness at an early age. Technology is transforming virtually every job, every sector, and every industry. The state of North Dakota has recently announced the PK-20W Initiative, a statewide, whole-of-government approach to computer science and cybersecurity education. A shared vision of the future has enabled stakeholders across the public and private sectors to pursue a bold vision of Every Student, Every School, Cyber Educated. This program is the beginning step to ensure that the Dickinson Public Schools are doing their part in this state-wide initiative and preparing our students to be college and career ready. 

Ozobots are little robots that are designed as an introduction to coding. Students use color combinations to move the Ozobot on a path from one location to another. The possibilities for using this technology are endless. In the last year, we have integrated the use of these STEAM products to enhance the science, social studies, and language arts curriculum in classrooms across the district. Fifth graders at Prairie Rose and Roosevelt Elementaries used the Ozobots to map the journey of Pioneers into the west on the Oregon Trail and during California Gold Rush. Students noted historical locations and events along the way by programming special codes to identify them. We are excited to continue this work with classroom teachers and students as we ensure the implementation of STEAM across the district.