Heart River Elementary School News

Weather announcement

10/26/2023 Important Update

October 26, 2023

Dear DPS Families, Due to snow accumulation and poor road conditions, all schoo...

Dickinson Public Schools - SwiftK12 - PowerSchool

Dear DPS Families, PowerSchool and SwiftK12 have recently received updates, so pleas...

Kindergarten students sitting at the cafeteria for lunch

We are excited to announce that Dickinson Public Schools will offer more choices in our...

Annual Update for New and Returning Students graphic

Attention DPS families of new and returning students, it's time for our re-registra...

DPS Hiring Day infographic

DPS Hiring Day

July 24, 2023

Join us for a DPS HIRING DAY! Our school district is hosting a job fair to seek pass...

Summer P-EBT - Helping feed children (teacher opening door for students)

2023 Summer P-EBT

June 23, 2023

Attention DPS Families! Children eligible for free or reduced school lunches may be ...

Transportation Registration

Register for Busing

June 22, 2023

DPS families, have you signed up for busing? The deadline to register for busing on ...

Heart River Elementary Staff and DPS Superintendent with a cake to celebrate achieving HRS Level 4

We have excellent news to share! All of our schools have worked hard this year to dr...

HRE and PRE staff at the Dive into Books Literacy Carnival

In December, Heart River Elementary (HRE) and Prairie Rose Elementary (PRE) joined a pi...

Community Survey Cover

The Dickinson School District is reaching out to all District residents, including pare...

STEM Center Inauguration at PRE

Thanks to the Cal Ripken, Sr. Foundation and area partners, all DPS elementary schools ...

Health and Wellness Fair at Heart River's gym

Last week, Heart River Elementary had its first-ever Health and Wellness Fair. With the...

DPS Kinder Kick-Off Flyer

Class of 2036, are you ready? Kinder Kick-off is happening in a week! Join us for an...