Winter Weather Guidelines

Decisions on whether students are to go outside are based on the guidelines listed below:
Before School:
- When the temperature and wind chill are above zero, students will be sent outside.
- When the temperature and wind chill are between zero and -10 degrees, students will be sent to the gym until 8:10AM.
- When the temperature and wind chill are lower than -10 degrees, students will be sent to the gym.
Noon Recess:
- When the temperature and wind chill are above zero, students will be sent outside.
- When the temperature and wind chill are between zero and -10 degrees, students will stay in the gym. They will be sent outside for the last 15 minutes of the noon recess.
- When the temperature and wind chill are lower than -10 degrees, students will stay in the gym during the noon recess.
The gym will be open for WARMING purposes when the temperature and/or wind chill is below zero.
Students who have an excuse because of illness, coughs, or colds will be allowed to remain indoors during the noon recess period provide they have a note form a parent or doctor. The note will be valid for only one week or less.
Parents, please check for appropriate dress before your student leaves for school. Students are expected to bring appropriate headgear, gloves, and coats.
*Snow pants and snow boots are not required, but are highly recommended if your child(ren) wish(es) to play in the snow.*
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